

The first implementations of jobarchitect used a basic templating language for defining jobs, with two reserved keywords input_file and output_file. An example input job.tmpl file would look like the below.

shasum {{ input_file }} > {{ output_file }}

A later revision made use of the Common Workflow Language, still making use of the reserved keywords input_file and output_file. The same example as a shasum.cwl file would look like the below.

cwlVersion: v1.0
class: CommandLineTool
    type: File
    inputBinding: { position: 1 }
baseCommand: shasum
  shasum: stdout
stdout: $(inputs.output_file)

The jobarchitect tool always had an explicit knowledge of dtoolcore datasets. The sketchjob utility uses this knowledge to split the dataset into batches.

When dtoolcore datasets’ gained the ability to store and provide access to file level metadata our tools started making use of this. However, sketchjob or more precisely _analyse_by_id, assumed that the tools it ran would not have an understanding or need to access this dataset file level metadata.

The section below outlines our thinking with regards to overcoming this problem.


Now that our scripts work on datasets, rather than individual files, they work at a similar level to _analyse_by_id.

One solution would be to make _analyse_by_id more complex allowing it to know when to work on files in a dataset and when to work on datasets and associated identifiers. The latter is what would be required for our new scripts to work.

Another solution would be to by-pass _analyse_by_id completely with our script of interest (that works on datasets and identifiers). The _analyse_by_id script could remain accessible, via a --use-cwl option which would invoke the existing behaviour.

Another solution would be to add another layer of abstraction, for example a script named that could call either _analyse_by_id or the provided script. In this scenario _analyse_by_id and user provided scripts would become alternative backends to the script. As such it would make sense to rename _analyse_by_id to _cwl_backend.

We prefer, the latter of these options. The job written out by sketchjob would then take the form of:

sketchjob --cwl-backend shasum.cwl exmaple_dataset output/

_jobarchitect_agent \
  --tool_path=shasum.cwl \
  --input_dataset_path=example_dataset/ \
  --output_root=output/ \

Or in the case of a custom script:

sketchjob scripts/ exmaple_dataset output/

_jobarchitect_agent \
  --input_dataset_path=example_dataset/ \
  --output_root=output/ \

Now that our tools make use of datasets we can write “smart” tools. The “smart” tools will work on datasets in a standardised fashion, i.e.

python scripts/  \
  --dataset-path=path/to/dataset  \
  --identifier=identifier_hash  \

This removes the need for CWL. We can therefore take the pragmatic decision to trade the flexibility offered by CWL for simplicity. If we need CWL in the future we can work off the groundwork put into the 0.4.0 release.


In the example above we do not use positional arguments. This is a design decision to make it easier to extend the tool in the future whilst remaining backwards compatible. Although this makes the tool a bit more difficult to run, we are not expecting to run this directly, it will be run programatically.

Removing CWL backend also means that we do not yet need to implement the second layer of abstraction (